Skyrim crossbow called
Skyrim crossbow called

I'm never just a stealth archer though as I balance that out with one-handed. I was a tomboy and liked all the fun the boys got into so I had to get really good at all the boy stuff to be let in which wasn't hard because I liked all of that stuff already. (It was also my first video game system since I had a Nintendo forever ago) I chose wood elf because they were best with a bow because in RL I have always loved archery. My first ever Skyrim character was a wood elf archer. In Conan Exiles the archery is clunky and the bows are weak af. Well that's a silly mod! I think one of the reasons so many people go stealth archer in Skyrim is because the bow mechanics in the game is really, really good and there are some bows that have a nice unique enchantment. now we know why rides and shiat are insistent about no flash photography! Killed one of the major bosses with a camera - it normally just stuns things in the picture for a few seconds due to the flash. But in general it is weirdly farking fun as a mode - surprisingly so. We're talking having to go through at a minimum a hundred and some monsters perfectly in a game that has some pretty unfair situations. Mind you you had to beat the entire game without taking one hit - which is realistically good farking luck time - had to save scum that one. It's a bizarro world combination of OP and tissue paper, yet strangely fun I have a feeling that when I get back to the major storylines, they will be incredibly easy.īeen playing an achievement mode on a shooter on Steam - you have to equip an item called the plague medallion and win.

skyrim crossbow called

Phlegmjay: / Honestly, I've let myself get too powerful too early in the storylines. Or maybe I should just head back to the boss room and wait for the werewolf mode to turn off there and use the corpses' gear. "Hm, that's a peasant house with an NPC nobody will miss, find some clothes and maybe something else for the hike back to my crap.


Moonlight Tales mod, which has an option where you drop all your items and clothes when werewolfing and then return completely naked without anything in inventory was interesting when paired with the mod where you had to find ways to stay warm or die. Goddamn Oblivion let me punch and magic my way like Ryu or Raiden through demons without mods, so Skyrim felt like a step backwards. Had to mod the crap out of Skyrim to get monk-style PUNCH THAT DRAGON IN THE FACE and cinematic roundhouse kick KOs. Although you could just cast invis on yourself before shooting your arrow if the temptation is too much But with the x10 multiplier unlocked, you can one-shot most of them, so you keep trying.

skyrim crossbow called

It's hard to get into their back hitbox without also touching their wings. Funniest, most frustrating thing in the world is trying to backstab a dragon with a dagger. Unlike with normal bows, however, it is possible to circumvent this by means of an exploit: unequipping the bow then re-equipping it by means of hotkeys will cause the crossbow to be reloaded.DrunkenBob: You gotta do what you gotta do to explore more play styles.

skyrim crossbow called skyrim crossbow called

††Despite saying they have the same speed as the long bow, all crossbows fire significantly slower than most of the normal bows.

Skyrim crossbow called